I believe in the saying that if you don't forgive people it is like drinking poison and hoping it kills them, it is true. Letting go is the best thing. Forgive them they don't know what they do...
But my problem is when you hurt me, betray me, show me I can't trust you I just can't get over the hurt of it. I try to forget and think, well, they are out of my life. But what happens when they were in your life so long that it is like you have lost a part of your heart?
Do they go on in their lives and never think of you? Never remember all the things you meant to each other? And even the future is in disarray. They were suppose to share all the wonderful things in our futures; weddings, babies and anniversaries. they were suppose to call you when the pain was so bad you knew that things were forever changed. But they didn't. Something happened that I didn't understand and now they do not think of me or care. They were someone that I loved and now I am forgotten.
I know it happens all the time with family and friends but I wonder how you heal from it? How do you forget it? How do you forget them? I keep trying.