Today I went to clean my Dad's house. I was standing with the endust when he said his childhood best friend had called and his wife is dying. She is in the hospital.
"Which hospital?" Dad was not sure so I called and soon we were heading to Bremen. My Mom sent me like she always would. She would call and tell me, someone was in the hospital and she wasn't sure if they Knew. Could I go? Would my sister or brother go? She needed to know.
This was my Mom's friend. They vacationed together and were married to fishermen. They loved each other. And a few years before my Mom died she told me that this friend didn't believe in God.
So my Mom knew and it bothered her.
Today I went into a room to visit this dying friend with my Dad. She made some comment about God taking care of his children. I hesitated since I knew weeks earlier my Dad and I talked about her non I boldly asked. And she answered and I knew that she Knew. That she was at peace.
She asked me if there was any message for my Mom when she got there. My Dad told her to tell Mom that the washer did turn his tee shirts inside out... I said tell her she didn't tell me how hard this would be. The living without a Mom. The incredible aching missing her. But she already knows.
Before we left my Dad cried and told her he was so glad he came to see her. He was worried about where she would be. He prayed for her nightly that she would know. And now he Knew. She would be in Paradise.
I had no plans to drive to a hospital today and driving home I saw a stone fence and remembered I had a dream the night before about a stone fence. And during my sleep my Mom was there with my Dad and they were surrounded by Christmas decorations....what could all this mean?
My Mom sent me. And it was a blessing today.