Every August I feel it, looming over my carefree days like the plague... Back to School time.
The stores can't get the 4th of July goodies off the shelves fast enough to announce and continually advertise "Back to School" And all the kids look so happy with their new supplies and clothes. And by mid August they trudge into school and try to lock and load for testing, testing, testing.
I remember the good old days. School was Labor Day to Memorial Day and for the life of me I can't remember when it started creeping into summer days. I also remember being excited about the clothes and supplies. (A friend once told me I got on the bus wearing a white blouse and blue jumper and she decided to make friends with me. I remember that outfit, it was polyester..Ha! The good old days!)
Don't get me wrong, I know some teachers rejoice in Back to School. I am not one of them. There is nothing more wonderful than waking up on a summer day with NO PLANS! The books to read! Piles and piles of books to read and you can stay up all night reading them, YAY! The pure joy of no alarm clock and the happiness of not hitting the floor running but staying in bed just because you can! I would not mind my job so much if it started at 10:00 a.m. everyday because I love to sleep.. it is my new sport of choice. (And at my age it is a battle to sleep so it is indeed a sport to me)
I hear all you year round workers screaming at me! Poor you! 10 weeks off for the summer, Christmas breaks and Spring break! You are so lucky! I admit, I am pretty lucky but maybe someday you would like to do my job. Walk into a Middle School and come out alive! It ain't pretty I have to tell you.
I have 10 days.