Saturday, September 1, 2012

Bossy Little Thing

Today is my Rachel's birthday.  24 years ago, after the hot, hot, summer of 1988 I was in the hospital holding this new little girl.  Silly me, I thought I had one girl and it would be the same.  Boy, she taught me a few lessons.
Rachel is my solid girl. She is black or white, not much gray. She is loyal. She is smart. When she was like 4 years old she asked if 4+4=8.  All of her teachers asked me what they could do to keep her busy and I told them to let her read, and she has like a crazy person. She tore through Little House on The Prairie and then on the Kill a Mockingbird. When she was in the 4th grade she asked me what a valedictorian was and then said that was her plan.  She always follows through on her plans.
She loves anything Disney.  Disney World is her happy place and Beauty and The Beast is her favorite.  She has spent hours with the Lion King.
When her sister was going through cancer she found Jesus. And Jesus found her. She went to Bethel to be a minister.
I have a lot of video of Rachel as a little girl.  You can watch her imagination and joy and bossy little ways over and over. She always knew what she wanted.
So for 24 years I have had this person, that her dad and I created in my life. She has made me happy, sad, proud, crazy and amazed in every way. 
In 1988, after a very hot summer I was given a really cool gift. Happy Birthday to my Rachel Leigh, Disney Princess, Golden's to may more!