Saturday, January 30, 2010

Over the Hill and heading down fast

My phone rings today and some woman (it must have been her first day because she wasn't very fluent) wants to know if I might do a radio station survey and make an easy $50. Well, heck yeah! So she asked what station I usuually listen to and then how old I am. I think this is the first time someone has asked my age since December 19. I choked on "50" and she says "Thanks and goodbye"
I knew this would happen. It started with the gray hair years ago, really I don't have a clue of my natural color. And then the occasional chin hairs that now could be considered a crop..and it is so wonderful to feel one in the middle of the day with no tweezers or a mirror to crop dust it with. (So you spend the day feeling it and hoping no one sees it.) And then some of those crazy hair are like fishing line, white and stiff. Ugh!
And then there is the broken thermostat.. I am hardly ever cold. I can go outside in 20 degrees and feel fine. The ceiling fan in my bedroom runs at top speed all year and my husband gets up and complains it is cold while I am gasping for air. And I am wearing my clothes out by flapping them away from my sweaty skin. And how can your body only heat up from the waist up?
I do not like this aging thing. I do not believe 50 is the new 30..all lies!
Now, excuse me while I go ice pack my neck because it's getting warm in here.

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