Thursday, February 18, 2010


Not being able to sleep is just sooo much fun. Tossing & turning and trying to shut off your brain.
My husband can fall asleep before the pillow is done crunching with the weight of his head.... and then he starts snoring... ALL NIGHT!
If I drink Ny-qul like a shot I can sleep or The Blessed P.M. pills...But don't wake up because there is that rumbling next to me and my mind racing, racing. You know, all the things to do, and not wanting to be behind on things. And for some reason people come to mind. Maybe someone I lost or someone who lost me. And it's 3:00 and you want to call people and say, "Hey, remember me? what happened 10, 20 years ago, really?"
And the sad thing is I have been like this since I was very young, I can remember being 6, 7 and worrying about what happens next... and here I am still thinking about what happens next.
What happens next is I take something to sleep tonight. 3 days is my limit.

1 comment:

  1. i feel the same. except ive been workign and school that i dont have that much of a hard time falling asleep. but when i do all i do is lay there and think for like ever about everything otu there.
