Saturday, August 7, 2010

Grumpy Old Men

I am not sure why I am stuck in this postion but I guess I may have to Thank my mom again. This was her job and now it has fallen to me whether I like it or not. It is alot of work.
My Uncle is now in the hospital fighting lung cancer. I think he looks pretty good for what he has been through but that is my opinion. I am trying to get information from a few people over 70 and I gotta tell you, these people are driving me nuts.
OH NO! HE REFUSES TO EAT! HE WILL DIE! (His son says he is bull-headed and the patient doesn't remember refusing the feeding tube)
HE HAS LOST 3 PINTS OF BLOOD! WHERE DID IT GO? HE IS GOING TO DIE! (blood transfusions after chemo are normal.. & I hate that I know this)
So I am like a firefighter... spray a few words here, a phone call there.. and I pray which makes God happy that my anger is down a notch.
& My Uncle Skip tells stories to his brother. They talk about "the old man" and the is a veteran, the other running from the MPs. They talk about kids and marriage and alot about cars. (I swear a man would recognize an old car before any people in a photo..yeah, he had that 56 Chevy.. remember that 46 Buick? )
I sit in the hospital and listen and my Uncle winks at me with tubes in his nose & stomach as Skip spins another tale. They are the uncles that break my heart because they are so alone through mistakes and misteps. But I need them to know that they are loved by many so I go crazy with them.
I hope my Uncle gets out of the hospital and moves in with his brother. I hope they tool around town and everyone knows they are the Shireman boys. I hope they laugh together. And I hope when it's time they know they had a hell offa run and most of all they know that people loved them.
That is my prayer to God today.. know that you are loved. (No matter how grumpy you are!)


  1. That was just awesome. Janie your words are heart warming. I wish I had someone like you in my family.

  2. I love your crazy family too Janie! Keep your chin up and remember that it has been a blessing to have a family that can find humor in the most distressing times.....I cherish you all. Please tell Skip I said hello--- I miss that old grumpy guy. LOL
