I read that to adminster the radioactive iodine they cover everything in the room in plastic, bring in an egg shaped container, open it and put the pill in my mouth with tongs. And then run! I am hoping they don't make me laugh too hard and I have to spit it out.. I just imagine this guy in a space like suit and all I see is a@# and elbows as he escapes from the room. Of course I have had worse experiences when I was dating. I hope he doesn't scream too or I will be gone the whole day laughing.
Today I miss ketchup, sour cream and sweet & sour sauce. The baked sweet potato chips were crunchy but not Lays.. I could eat just one.
I hope they call tomorrow with the final dates written in stone for me, I just want this over with and a big fat elephant ear from the Apple fest where my husband is going to enter the pie eating contest. Stupid people, he really loves pie!
Keep us *posted*